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How to Crochet Grapes on the Vine

Grapes on the Vine Crochet Pattern by Madison – Schutt Farms

Photo of finished crochet project

My kids love grapes, so I needed to make sure we had some crochet grapes on the vine for our play kitchen.  I decided it makes the most sense to have these “on the vine” to make sure they stay together nicely, and I do not have to worry about my children choking on the small crochet pieces.


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Crochet Hook size D/3-3.125 mm, scissors, poly-fil or similar stuffing, and tapestry needle (to weave in ends).

Medium weight, 100% Cotton, Size 4 Yarn  

I am using Hobby Lobby 40 Sage for the grapes and 20 Brown for the vine.


Chain (CH): Yarn over and pull a loop back through.

Slip Stitch (SS): Insert hook in desired stitch, yarn over and pull through all loops on hook.

Single Crochet (SC): Insert hook in desired stitch, yarn over and pull a loop back through the stitch, yarn over and pull through all loops on hook.

Increase Single Crochet (INC): Single crochet twice in the same stitch. This would increase the stitch count by 1 each time completed.

Decrease (DEC): Insert hook in front loop only FLO of stitch 1, insert hook in FLO of stitch 2, complete Single Crochet.  This would decrease the stitch count by 1 each time completed.

Crochet Pattern Pin for Later Image



Using 40 sage, 6 SC in magic circle. (6 SC)

Second Round: 6 INC (12 SC)

Third – Seventh Round: 12 SC (12 SC)

Eighth Round: 6 DEC (6 SC)

Cut long tail.  Fill the grape with poly-fil or similar stuffing prior to sewing the grape closed.  Using a tapestry needle, weave through all 6 single crochet stitches and pull tight to close.  Tie and weave in the ends. 

Photo of final crochet grapes
Image of grapes prior to ends being

Repeat this pattern to create multiple grapes.  I will be making 6 to attach to the vine – but you can make as many as you’d like.


Using 20 brown, chain 5

Grab the first grape to attach. Slip stitch in round 1 of the 1st grape, see photo below of how to insert your hook.

Where to slip stitch to the grape.
Image after slip stitching to first grape.

Continuing on the foundation chain (the vine), 2 SS.

Image after second chain to attach next grape.

Grab second grape, Slip stitch in round 1 of the 2nd grape. Continuing back on the vine, 2 SS back to initial foundation chain.

Complete this step for all grapes. Once the final grape is attached, continue slip stitching back to the top of the vine. It should be 3 SS to the end of the foundation chain. Cut a long tail to tie off and weave in the end.

Finished product of crochet grapes on the vine.


Check out more of my free patterns on my site to create a full pantry of crochet food creations.  All patterns can be found under Teddy’s Kitchen.

Thanks for following along and please share your creations with me on Facebook or Instagram.

If pattern is used to create product inventory to be sold, pattern source “Pattern by Schutt Farms” must be disclosed to buyer.

Pinterest Template of crochet pattern

Additional Crochet Patterns by Schutt Farms